Aug 30, 2017
Babe Ardy visits Bonnie MacBird for tea, shortbread, and a discussion of Unquiet Spirits, the second of MacBird's trilogy of Holmes pastiches. Join us to hear about what it's like to write and research a Holmes novel, including tales of location-scouting for books, and visiting whisky distilleries by way of research. We also chat about the historical background for the book and Ardy learns a lot about wine, whisky, and why writing a pastiche is both fun and challenging.
Ardy's review of Unquiet Spirits can be found here on the BSB site.
The book is available at Amazon UK, Amazon US, and all good bookshops!
The annotations to Unquiet Spirits are here on Bonnie MacBird's website.
You can keep up with Bonnie MacBird's work here, on her website.